Advantages of caged chickens

1, cages, chicken using the multilayer caged, more so than flat raising methods such as breeding chickens raised for three or four times, let farmers from above the number can increase efficiency, growth and production, and the chicken in the cage activities more convenient for farmers to manage the crowd, and the chicken also can better maintain health environment.


2. In the process of cage raising, chickens will not be exposed to feces directly, so cage raising can greatly reduce the disease caused by fecal infection, reduce the incidence of disease, and facilitate the disposal of feces.
3, the use of cage chickens can make the chickens have enough feeding and drinking location, to ensure that each chicken can get reasonable drinking water and feeding, so that the uniformity of the chicken group is very good.
4, reduce the labor intensity of farmers, if the use of flat raising not only the number of breeding and farmers a person also can not manage, although the use of cage raising number increased, but compared with cage raising without obstruction more convenient for farmers to raise and manage, although the increase of labor intensity is reduced.

Post time: 03-12-21