Application of barbed wire protection net on high speed

On the highway, barbed rope protection net is generally to prevent people and animals from crossing the highway at will, so as not to interfere with driving and reduce accidents, as well as effectively prevent illegal occupation of road land and other issues of traffic safety facilities. There are many forms of barbed rope protective nets, commonly used metal, woven net, barbed wire and often green gracilaria. Metal braided net is set in crowded areas, barbed wire is used in areas with few people and animals, and the structure of hedges and barbed wire is used in toll stations and service areas. In the past two years, considering the beauty of the problem, in the Pearl River Delta region of some highways with fruit plastic spot welding network (usually said guardrail network), this barbed rope protection network is more good-looking, durable, the overall effect is good, but the construction requirements are higher, more expensive. General sections should not be used, in the city center, scenic spots or strong requirements for beautiful sections can be used.

barbed wire

Its specific design layout principle is:
1, barbed rope protection net center line along the road within the land boundary 20 to 50 cm set.
2. When there are natural barriers such as canals, ponds and lakes on the side of the road, barbed rope protection nets shall not be set up in the section where there is no need to worry about people and livestock entering and illegally occupying the road land.
3, barbed rope protection net in the bridge, channel, should be toward the bridge head cone slope (or end wall) direction surrounded, should not leave for people, livestock can drill into the gap.
4, barbed rope fence and culvert intersection, such as the ditch is narrow, barbed rope barbed rope fence can be directly across the ditch is wider, barbed rope barbed rope fence is difficult to cross, can take bridge, channel processing method.
5, when limited by the terrain, the barbed rope barbed rope protective net before and after the continuous setting, take the place as the end of the barbed rope protective net, and deal with the end of the sealing.
6, barbed rope protection network layout should be according to the road boundary terrain necessary renovation, flat section level set, slope section slope or step set.

Post time: 13-05-22