Application of stainless steel barbed wire fence net in grassland pastoral areas

Some regions, such as Inner Mongolia, have implemented the grassland contract system, in which grasslands are used collectively and farmers are contracted to operate them by household. Stainless steel barbed wire fence net is widely used by herdsmen in grassland pastoral areas.

Stainless steel barbed wire fence net

Due to the implementation of the grassland contract operation obligation system, the herdsmen have a high accumulation of reinforcement and enhancement of their own stainless steel barbed wire fence nets in grassland pastoral areas, forming a dense and high phenomenon of stainless steel barbed wire fence nets in grassland pastoral areas, which is destructive and even eradicating for the survival of wild animals.
As an example, Przewalski’s Przewalski is a first class maintenance animal in China. At present, as long as there are several other Przewalski populations around Qinghai Lake, according to incomplete statistics, there are only about 1000 Przewalski populations. The stainless steel barbed wire fence net in the grassland pastoral area near Qinghai Lake is widely used in the construction of barbed wire fence, with a height of 1.5 meters.
Some herdsmen avoid wild animals and other people’s livestock to break in and from time to time increase the stainless steel barbed wire fence net in the grassland pastoral area, making the stainless steel barbed wire fence net in the grassland pastoral area a barrier to block various wild animals. The number of herders’ livestock is in their own interests, but consciously increasing the barbed rope fence not only directly scares and harms the wild animals, but also cuts off the way for wild animals to seek food and migration. In the use of stainless steel barbed wire as a fence must think about the surrounding environmental elements, to blend with nature, do not become the destruction of nature!

Post time: 01-11-23