Construction special electric galvanized shaft wire production

The technical term “galvanizing” means the metal has been treated specially with zinc. Essentially, the wire is covered with a very thin layer of zinc. It is because of this thin layer of zinc that galvanized wire has many characteristics. The wire can be dipped into a zinc pool or galvanized by electroplating.

galvanized wire

Hot dip galvanized wire is in hot melt zinc liquid dip plating, production speed, thick but uneven coating, the market allows the low thickness of 45 microns, up to 300 microns above. It is dark in color, consumes more zinc metal, forms infiltration layer with base metal, and has good corrosion resistance. Hot dip galvanized wire can be maintained for decades in outdoor environment.

Hot dip galvanized wire in the process of use to do a good job of daily repair and maintenance work, as far as possible to avoid damage to the surface of galvanized layer, prolong the service life of the wire.

Post time: 11-11-21