Dog cage selection tips!

Pet friends are now more and more, in the pet pick pet children, we know how to distinguish? We can refer to the following when buying a pet cage:

Since it is a square cage, the first point requires that the cage is square, a simple way to check this point is: see the cage wire.

dog  cage

The middle wire on either side of the cage should correspond to the middle wire on the other side and be parallel or in a straight line. Otherwise, the cage is not right
The second point is to see the solidity of the cage. Put your hand on the top of the cage and shake it gently. If it shakes hard, it feels very loose, which means the cage is not very solid.
You can also place the cage on the flat ground, press the top of the cage with your hands, and then shake it gently in different directions to see whether the four feet of the cage float off the ground. This method should change the cage several positions, try several times. If one foot cannot touch the ground after many tests, the cage is not smooth, there are many ways, please pet owners for your pet carefully selected!

Post time: 23-12-21