Hot dip galvanized electric welding mesh

The use of galvanized electric welding mesh wall insulation project in the wall insulation and rust prevention project plays a necessary effect, the external wall painting putty mesh is divided into two kinds: this is the hot-dip galvanized electric welding mesh; The other is to change the wire drawing welding mesh, according to the region, the construction enterprise regulations to carry out effective material selection. Hot-dip galvanized electric welding net new mink cage The hole ring of the new mink cage is more than 1 inch, the wire distance is about 2mm, the management method is simple, the surface of the net cage is smooth and not easy to scratch the mink, the zinc content of the galvanized electric welding net is symmetrical, not easy to rust, the new mink cage is more convenient to use, the mink’s settling natural environment is more comfortable, and the price is much higher than the previous mink cage of the same specification. But the overall character is not compromised at all, it is stronger.

welding mesh

There are many quality parameters of welding mesh products, such as wire diameter, mesh size, plastic coating material, plastic back wire diameter, Dutch column wall thickness, etc., but when buying, as long as you master the following two parameters: weight and plastic coating. The net weight of electric welding mesh includes two aspects: the net weight of electric welding mesh and the net column weight of electric welding mesh. In procurement, the two are accounted for separately, so it is necessary to understand the net number of hot-dip galvanized electric welding mesh, the number of electric welding mesh, to understand these, even if the manufacturer has more means, there is no place to escape.
Welding net weight, net height is different, the natural weight is different, and each part of the weight is divided again to distinguish different qualities. Of course, depending on the warp and weft used and the plastic powder, this value fluctuates from the top to the bottom. The weight of the welding mesh is determined by the thickness of the welding mesh. There are several heights. Spray plastic on the surface of hot-dip galvanized electric welding mesh. There is only one type with no quality difference. Welding mesh coating, plastic coating refers to the surface of a layer of plastic material, there is no difference in quality, but the addition is different after production, there is no hard plastic welding mesh production, add a small amount of production of low bubble welding mesh, the amount of addition, followed by the production of general foam welding mesh and high bubble welding mesh. How do you know if your product is rigid or shiny? Simple, one is to see with your eyes, two are to touch with your hands.
If the eyes look past, if there is gloss, it is hard plastic, no gloss is foam plastic; Touch with the hand, it feels smooth like a mirror is not astringent, especially hard, so it is hard plastic, if it feels astringent and slightly elastic, it is low foam, if it is astringent and elastic, it is medium foam, but if it feels particularly soft, like touching the belt is generally high foam, there is no doubt.

Post time: 31-08-23