How to handle rusty cold drawing correctly

Wire factory cold wire drawing is widely used, and cold wire drawing before leaving the factory will be through a special process to prevent rust treatment, there are not many some process is not good, so the effect is not very good. If you choose and buy, you should try to clean the surface of the cold wire drawing, after the treatment can be clean. After the treatment is clean, in order to ensure that the original state of cold drawing wire does not change, some rust cleaning agent can be used on the surface of cold drawing wire, and soapy water is forbidden to be used as cleaning agent.

cold wire drawing

After cleaning with detergent, at this time you can wipe the cold drawing surface clean, of course, also want to wipe dry, to avoid oxidation again, when dry should be immediately packaged. Cold drawing wire after packaging it can be transported. And the prestress of cold wire drawing is also very important, which is mainly due to the high requirements of the construction industry for the strength of the wire.

Many people are not familiar with the composition of prestressed tendon, which is mainly composed of a single or bundle of steel wire, steel strand or steel bar. Bonded prestressed tendons are those that are bonded directly to concrete or bonded to concrete by grouting after tension. After the purchase of cold drawing, or should take good care of the cold drawing, so as to avoid some rust, but also to avoid some loss.

Post time: 24-08-21