How to maintain galvanized iron wire daily

Galvanized iron wire has the characteristics of strong toughness, high elasticity and strong corrosion resistance, which is widely used in industrial consumption and daily life. The service life of an item is directly related to its maintenance state. How to maintain galvanized iron wire?

Galvanized iron wire is oiled, and the fiber core is immersed in oil. Grease is needed to keep the light fiber core free from corrosion and corrosion, nourish the fiber and smooth the wire rope from the inside.

Galvanized iron wire

The outer surface is greased so that all wire in the strand is uniformly coated with a rust resistant and smooth grease. Among them, for the mining rope with large friction force and large mineral water, it should be coated with black oil with strong wear resistance and water resistance. Other Uses A red grease with strong film forming and good rust resistance is then coated and required to have a thin oil layer to facilitate cleaning during operation.
Galvanized wire is coated with zinc, aluminum, nylon or plastic. Galvanized steel is first divided into thin steel wire layer, and then draw, and then draw the thick layer of galvanized steel wire, the mechanical properties of the thick coating is lower than the smooth steel wire rope, should be used in the environment of serious corrosion.
Aluminum wire rope is more resistant to corrosion, wear and heat than galvanized wire rope. It is produced by electroplating and then stretching. There are two kinds of wire ropes coated with nylon or plastic: cladding wire rope and cladding twist rope. Galvanized line maintenance, not only can greatly extend its service life, but also can improve its daily use efficiency.

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Post time: 30-06-21