Points about the choice of dog cage

When choosing a cage for the dog, it is necessary to allow the dog to comfortably and easily complete the series of actions of standing, sitting, lying down and turning in the cage, so that it is not wronged the dog, so the dog cage can not be too large, nor can it be too narrow and crowded.
First, choose the right cage for your dog according to its size
The selection of dog cage should be based on the size of the dog to choose, too small cage is not suitable for dogs, to let the dog have enough space for activities. Under normal circumstances, the cage size should be three times the size of the dog is more appropriate. This gives the dog plenty of room to turn around and take a few steps.

dog cage

The door of the dog cage should not be lower than 3/4 of the shoulder height of the dog, so that the dog can get in once the head is lowered. The length and width of the cage should be greater than 125% of the dog’s nose to the waist, and the height should be 150% of the distance between the dog’s head and feet.
However, if the dog you buy is a puppy, it is necessary to take into account its growth, so the cage must be purchased with reference to the adult size of the dog.
Second, the material of the dog cage
The material of the dog cage is metal, wood, and can be chosen according to preferences and home decoration. There are not many forms of dog cages, most of them are more reasonable, and there are trays below, which can facilitate the cleaning of the dog’s urine and feces.
Third, the dog cage should be complete
There should be a tray at the bottom of the dog cage, which can facilitate the owner to clean the dog’s urine and feces, and also allow the dog to live in a hygienic and comfortable cage.

Post time: 22-08-24