The consequences of improper use of galvanized iron wire

Galvanized iron wire has a wide range of uses, so we will recommend you to use different galvanized iron wire according to different uses. If you do not use galvanized iron wire correctly or do not use the correct galvanized iron wire, it will cause great losses to you.
Galvanized iron wire will be based on the hardness, material, on the amount of zinc, roll diameter and other factors to distinguish, and different combinations will be applied to different products.

Galvanized iron wire

If it is the wrong use of soft and hard, it will lead to the loss of support that should have been used. The machine that should have eaten soft silk takes hard silk to do, and it will not be used at all.
If the material choice is wrong, the product consequences are also very serious, because some special process, so will choose different materials, which contain different ingredients.
The coil is probably a problem that is easy to ignore, but it is also a small detail that can not be ignored. The coil diameter of galvanized iron wire needs to be matched with the shelf you use. If it cannot be matched, it will not cause much loss, but it will affect your use progress, and even need to replace the goods.

Post time: 13-08-21