The difference between hot dip galvanized steel wire and cold plated steel wire

Cold galvanizing is also called the electric galvanized, it is using electrolytic equipment fitting after degreasing, pickling, into the composition of zinc salt in the solution, and connect the cathode electrolytic equipment, across the tube placed zinco, connected to the anode electrolysis equipment connected to the power supply, wire factory use current from the positive to the negative of directional movement will deposits a layer of zinc on the pipe fittings, cold is plated fittings galvanized after processing. Cold galvanizing: zinc is gradually plated on the metal surface through the current unidirectional in the electroplating tank, the production speed is slow, the coating is uniform, the thickness is thin.

 galvanized steel wire

Hot dip galvanizing is in hot melt zinc liquid dip plating, production speed, thick but uneven coating, the market allows the lowest thickness of 45 microns, up to 300 microns above. It is dark in color, consumes more zinc metal, forms infiltration layer with base metal, and has good corrosion resistance. Hot dip galvanizing can be maintained for decades in outdoor environment. Hot dip galvanizing, also known as hot dip zinc, is the method of forming a layer of zinc coating on the surface of the workpiece after oil removal and rust removal, showing a clean and infiltrating surface, immediately immersed in the plating tank of zinc melting in advance.

Cold galvanizing is the same after the removal of oil, in addition to lure, showing no pollution, infiltration of the workpiece hung into a special electroplating tank on the cathode, the anode with zinc. Switch on the DC power supply, zinc ions on the anode migrate to the cathode, and discharge on the cathode, so that the workpiece is coated with a layer of zinc layer hot dip galvanizing method.

Post time: 14-09-21