The importance of cleaning pet cages in summer

Summer is the breeding season of mosquitoes, at this time, not only should pay attention to pet food and drinking water clean, but also pay attention to cleaning the dog cage regularly, so as to avoid pet disease.

pet cages

Cleaning and disinfection methods of pet dog cage:
1, prepare disinfection dog cage utensils: small brushes, old toothbrushes, latex gloves (can effectively prevent corrosive pure disinfectant damage to the skin), birdish, and household commonly used disinfectant.
2. Take out the items in the cage. First, rinse most of the dirt off the cage with water, and then wipe the dirt around it with a wet towel; And then clean the cage.
3, wear gloves, take about a bottle of disinfectant cap, pour into the basin, dilute with water according to the reference ratio. Dip a small brush into the diluted disinfectant solution and scrub the cage.
4, after brushing, rinse with water. It should be noted that dogs like to lick everywhere. The disinfectant left on the fence is easy to be eaten by dogs, so be sure to flush several times. Finally, take the dog cage to the sun for 1 hour, ultraviolet radiation will make the sterilization effect double!

Post time: 15-12-21