The pet supply market is maturing

With the improvement of living standards and the reduction of family size, keeping pets is becoming a way of life for many people. According to statistics, the number of pet dogs has reached more than 100 million, and the trend is increasing rapidly every year. Beijing alone had more than 900,000 licensed dogs in 2010, according to a survey, and the number of pet cats is also very large.

pet cage

“In the booming pet industry chain, pet supplies market occupies a large share, which covers hundreds of categories such as toys, food, clothing and thousands of products.” An industry insider pointed out that the country’s pet supplies market is characterized by a wide variety of products, little competition and huge market potential.
“At present, many international well-known pet manufacturers have also seized the huge business opportunities of the pet economy, and they continue to develop high-tech pet products, which are favored by consumers.” China’s pet industry should constantly introduce new varieties, strengthen research and development of pet food and supplies, and improve the content of science and technology to win a place in the market competition, an industry insider said.

Post time: 28-02-23