The production of network film should pay attention to the problem

Any kind of product has its quality requirements, so it is the mesh, so what is the quality requirements of this product? First, in order to satisfy the strong requirements of welding, steel or wire itself is also the line, to the line to the surface, it is necessary to weld, assuming that does not meet the requirements of welding, natural is. There are going to be a lot of questions in play. Of course, in addition to welding to meet the requirements of strong, but also to meet the requirements of beautiful, assuming that this aspect of welding is not satisfied, it is difficult to use better.

network film

In addition, in the use of the grid, it also needs to satisfy the common requirements of the net, one is the net, to satisfy the common requirements of the demand, so that it satisfies the common requirements of the force in use, but also make it look more beautiful. And because it is invisible, it also needs to be smooth enough to make its net surface satisfying. There are some products in the market, maybe the edge, maybe not straight, etc., so uneven products will also reduce the quality of the product, so it needs to meet the requirements of this aspect.
Because the net is also made of metal data, and the use of metal data the first need to meet the requirements of corrosion resistance, assuming not satisfied with this requirement in use, it will allow the use of a period of time after the loss of beauty, and many are also used in severe corrosion environment, natural. Corrosion resistance ability is also more important, of course, it is also necessary to change the product is what the surface treatment, assuming that the surface coating does not have satisfactory corrosion resistance ability, it is equivalent to the product corrosion resistance ability.
The maintenance screen, the purpose of the user using it is here, of course, to improve its maintenance, and the need to make the product have satisfactory strength, and propagating strength, one aspect is what kind of data to use, and again what kind of welding technology.

Post time: 03-09-21