What are the advantages of qualified galvanized wire

We should all know that each product in the production of factory will be tested whether it is qualified, galvanized wire is no exception, so what are the advantages of qualified galvanized wire?

Qualified hot dip galvanized wire should ensure that the surface of galvanized wire is smooth, there can be no zinc scar, zinc tumor, bamboo joints, exposed iron and other appearance missing, at the same time should ensure that the quality of zinc layer in line with national standards and industry standards.

Galvanized iron wire

The appearance quality of galvanized wire can be determined whether it is qualified by naked eye observation at the receiving line I-wheel. The quality of zinc layer is generally measured by chemical method by sampling by the quality inspection department, but the sampling place is generally the wire at the end of the receiving line I-wheel, and can not actually reflect the quality of the key zinc wire on the whole I-wheel. Therefore, it is necessary for galvanized silk manufacturers to monitor the quality of zinc layer in the production process.
The diameter of the galvanized wire before and after the change, can be calculated by theory, according to the quality of the galvanized wire zinc layer before and after the corresponding increase in the diameter of the galvanized wire. Therefore, through the online measurement of the diameter before and after hot-dip galvanizing of the iron wire, through the comparison of standard data, we can know whether the quality of zinc layer is qualified. Different specifications of galvanized wire corresponding to the quality of zinc layer and the increase of wire diameter is different.
Translation software translation, if there is any error please forgive.

Post time: 25-06-21