What are the characteristics of cold galvanized wire? How to cold galvanize?

Cold galvanized wire refers to a surface treatment method that protects the surface of the steel wire with zinc coating. It has the following characteristics:
1. Strong corrosion resistance: Zinc has excellent corrosion resistance, which can prevent air, water and other chemicals from eroding the steel wire, thereby extending the service life of the steel wire.
2. Excellent coating performance: Cold galvanizing can form a continuous and dense zinc coating on the steel wire, and the zinc coating covers are uniform and have strong adhesion, which can protect the steel wire from wear and scratches.

Cold galvanized wire

3. Good aesthetics: the surface coating of cold galvanized wire is smooth and bright, with a silver-white appearance, which increases the beauty and decoration of the product.
4. Simple process: The production process of cold galvanized wire is relatively simple, does not require high temperature operation, and is easy to control production costs.
How to cold galvanize? A common cold galvanizing process is described below.
1. Preparation: Clean oil, dust and other impurities on the surface of the steel wire to ensure that the surface of the steel wire is clean.
2. Pickling: Soak the prepared steel wire in dilute hydrochloric acid solution to generate zinc salt on its surface and remove surface oxides and iron impurities.
3. Cleaning: Rinse the wire after pickling with clean water to remove the residual acid solution.
4. Annealing: Heat the steel wire in the annealing furnace to reach the required temperature and keep it for a period of time to remove the internal stress and improve the plasticity of the material.
5. Galvanizing: the annealed steel wire is immersed in the electrolyte containing zinc ions, and the zinc ions are reduced to solid zinc deposited on the surface of the steel wire. Different current densities and electrolyte components can be used to control the thickness and quality of the zinc coating.
6. Cleaning and drying: Clean the galvanized steel wire, remove the residual electrolyte and impurities on the surface, and then dry it naturally by drying or air to restore it to a certain humidity.
7. Inspection and packaging: Check the appearance of the galvanized steel wire, such as coating uniformity, adhesion, etc., and pack and store after passing.

Post time: 12-04-24