What factors affect the quality of hot-dip galvanized wire?

1. Material selection: The material of hot dip galvanized wire is usually carbon steel or low alloy steel. The mechanical properties and chemical composition of different materials will affect the quality of the coating. The high content of iron, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements in carbon steel and nickel, manganese and other elements in low alloy steel will directly affect the uniformity and adhesion of galvanized layer. Therefore, choosing the right material is very important.

galvanized wire

2. Surface pretreatment: Before hot dip galvanizing, it is necessary to pretreat the wire. Pretreatment mainly includes pickling, oil removal, dust removal and other steps. These treatments remove dirt and oxides from the surface, make it easier for the zinc solution to come into contact with the wire, and improve the adhesion and gloss of the coating. If the pretreatment is not correct, it will lead to rust, oxide and other impurities remaining on the surface of the wire, affecting the quality of the galvanized layer.
3. Temperature and composition of zinc solution: The key to hot dip galvanizing is to immerse the wire in the zinc solution of a specific temperature and composition. Too low temperature will lead to uneven zinc layer and poor adhesion, and too high temperature will lead to reaction of zinc-iron alloy in zinc liquid, resulting in rough surface. The composition of the zinc solution is also very important to the quality of the coating, including the concentration of chloride ions, cyanide, sulfuric acid, etc. Too high composition will lead to too thick coating, bubble hole, fading and other problems, too low can not get uniform coating.
4. Dipping time and speed: Dipping time and speed directly affect the thickness and quality of the coating. Generally speaking, the thickness of the coating is proportional to the plating time and speed. However, if the dipping time is too long or the speed is too slow, the coating will be too thick and easy to flake. On the other hand, if the dipping time is too short or the speed is too fast, the required coating thickness may not be achieved.
5. Dipping technology and equipment: the degree and operating level of dipping technology and equipment have an important impact on the quality of hot dip galvanized wire. Galvanizing equipment can provide more stable process parameters to ensure that the temperature, concentration and other parameters of zinc liquid are stable. At the same time, the experience and skills of the operator also play a key role in the quality of hot dip galvanized wire.

Post time: 30-08-24