What is the production principle and key technology of large roll galvanized wire?

Large roll galvanized wire is a common building material, which has the characteristics of corrosion resistance and good durability. It is by dipping the wire into the molten zinc, so that the surface of the wire formed a layer of zinc condensate, so as to play a role in corrosion prevention. There are two main methods to produce large rolls of galvanized wire: hot dip galvanizing and electric galvanizing, and the key technologies mainly include zinc layer uniformity, adhesion, covering force and galvanizing speed.
Hot dip galvanizing is a common production method for large rolls of galvanized wire. The principle is to immerse the wire in a preheated zinc tank after pickling and soaking treatment. Molten zinc forms a layer of zinc condensate on the surface of the wire, creating a galvanized sheath. One of the key technologies of hot dip galvanizing is the temperature control of zinc solution. The temperature of the zinc liquid should be moderate, too low will lead to uneven zinc layer, too high is easy to melt zinc. In addition, the time and duration of preheating also need to be controlled to ensure the uniformity and adhesion of the zinc layer.

galvanized wire

Electrogalvanizing is another common method of producing large rolls of galvanizing wire. The principle is that the iron wire is used as the cathode, the zinc plate is used as the anode, and the zinc is dissolved on the surface of the iron wire through the action of current to form a galvanized layer. One of the key technologies of electrogalvanizing is the formulation and control of electrolyte. Suitable electrolyte formulation can improve the quality and adhesion of galvanized layer. In addition, the control of current density is also very important, too high current density is easy to lead to uneven coating, and too low will increase production costs.
Whether it is hot dip galvanizing or electric galvanizing, the uniformity of zinc layer is an important key technology. The uniformity of the zinc layer can be achieved by controlling the parameters of the galvanizing process, such as preheating temperature, soaking time, electrolyte concentration, etc. In addition, the adhesion of zinc layer is also a key technology. The quality of adhesion can be evaluated by some detection methods, such as tensile test, scratch test, etc.
Covering force refers to the ability of the galvanized layer to cover the surface of the wire. The covering power depends on the shape and thickness of zinc layer. In order to achieve a better covering power, it is necessary to control the galvanized process parameters to avoid holes and uneven coating.

Post time: 05-03-24